Two recipients received awards in 2015.

Edith Pierce (left)
Edith was born and raised in Liverpool but moved to Horwich in 1981 to be closer to her family and soon joined the WRVS to help other people and began to meet other like minded people. She helped out at the lunch and social club for the visually impaired and disabled at Horwich Leisure Centre and then at Horwich Resource Centre for seventeen years.
She organised holidays to Llandudno for the 40 members of the club where fun, games, outings and companionship were the hallmarks of these trips and no disability was too great to exclude anyone. Edith also worked at the Church of England Children’s Society charity shop and her work through the Parish Church was also notable.
She also worked at Bolton Hospital in the WRVS shop and took the refreshment trolley around the wards and was a friendly familiar face to both patients and visitors from Horwich. Following ill health at the age of 85 Edith reluctantly gave notice to the WRVS, having received her 20 years service medal. She learned to use a PC and wrote her life story. She then became a member of Horwich Visiting Service and has lightened the lives of many lonely and vulnerable people for over ten years and at the age of 96 still continues this work.
Edith has served the people of Horwich for 33 years and still continues to be ready to help anybody in need and is an inspiration to all those who know her.
Norman Pendlebury (right)
Born in Bolton, Norman’s moved to Horwich in 1964 to get married. He became a volunteer at Bolton Hospice and over the years has been involved with three R.A.O.B. lodges and continues as a member of Sir George Milne lodge which meets regularly at the Crown Hotel on Chorley New Road.
Although not a founder member, Norman has been a hard working volunteer with Horwich Heritage for almost 30 years, booking speakers for monthly meetings, organising trips and outings for the group and filing and recording Heritage artefacts, which at times is a never ending job.
During this time Horwich Heritage has grown from its modest beginnings in a small room in Horwich Resource Centre to the refurbished ‘Rifle Range’ in 2005 where it continues to flourish.
Norman is also a familiar face every Friday at Horwich Resource Centre where he helps out at the Friday Club Lunch and Social for the elderly and disabled and is also a member of Horwich Visiting Service, a befriending service for the lonely and vulnerable in the community.
Norman is a well known character and still continues his voluntary service for various groups in the Horwich community.