Home Town Council Council Meetings and Committees

Council Meetings and Committees

Members of the press and public are welcome to attend meeting of the Horwich Town Council which are normally held in the Council Chamber, Public Hall, Lee Lane on the second Monday in the month and the Thursday following the week after this, usually the third Thursday in the month

  • the first meeting of the Town Council deals with finance and governance matters
  • the second meeting of the Town Council deals with planning applications received in Horwich and recommendations are made and reported to Bolton Council who as the local planning authority makes the final decision on all applications in the borough

At the meetings of the Town Council the public may take part in accordance with the Council’ standing orders (rules), giving an opportunity to the applicant or members of the public affected by a planning application under consideration to make their views known to Members. Residents may also speak on any matter which affects the parish.

18 September 2023
Last Updated
15 May 2024